Tuesday 21 October 2008

Ummm, he gets free breakfast....

Dare have just opened their graduate trainee applications for 2009 and following in the footsteps of BBH have made a video about a career in advertising. Get a job your parents won't understand. They should have named it 'get a job no one understands'. Seriously, people just assume everyone that goes into advertising makes the ads directly. I can't really talk, I'm guilty as charged. Before I became interested in advertising my world revolved around omega-3, exercise and illness, and journal after journal of statistics and cross over designs.

So why am I pursing advertising? I work best in an environment that is a) high in pressure and deadlines and b) laidback and loose. Oxymoron? I suppose. Point B has more to do with the working conditions. I have never been one to work at a desk on a PC. Writing this I am on the sofa, sometimes I work sitting on the floor. It seems to get the creative juices flowing.

The list does go on- love brands, creativity, inovation, social networks, digital media, products, producing a visual piece of work, socialising, people watching, and high fashion. And the (apparent) free breakfast is a bonus too.

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