Sunday 7 November 2010

Can we do it again?

If you are in the media world, please persuade your boss to enroll you on the Media Business Course. Hands down the best course I have participated in my life. I learned more in these 4 days than 6 months on the job. Held at the Grand Hotel in Brighton, and sponsored by the Advertising Association, it combined speakers from all walks of the media world, as well as a brief for the amazing new X-box Kinect!

Highlights from me were hearing the one and only Rory Sutherland speak and being introduced to each media by the most important people in their respected fields - Glen Wilson, Posterscope, Mike Gordan, Global Radio, Adam Freeman - Guardian News (who actually gave away an iPad!)...just to name a few!

When I started job hunting in the industry, my one and only objective was a creative agency, it was that or nothing. But media is so much more, and it really made me appreciate what my industry does and how lucky I am to be involved. Seriously, what other industry has nearly all its speakers swear on stage in a professional environment! Love it

Best of all, our syndicate won the course and an Xbox. But even better are the people I met and learning how to come up with a brilliant pitch in less than 48 hours!

But if you do go, make sure you get plenty of sleep before....