Friday 31 October 2008

Do you think its real?

Technology Students Mess with Dormitory Lights - More bloopers are a click away

Emotions on Billboards

Photgrapher Suzanne Opton created billboards of nine soldiers based in Afghanistan and Iraq. She photographed them neck up with their cheek on the ground, and a their face of war. The billboards can be found in various locations in New York I believe. This controversial campaign caught my eye because I have an interest in war and how it affects the soldiers mentally.

Comments on the Soldiers Face website range from disgusted spouses to impressed artists. One theme that seems to be coming up quite a bit is patriatism....Americans need to remember the soldiers for being strong, brave, undestructable. Sure, on the outside, but what about the inside?

Thursday 30 October 2008

John McBush and Bible Spice

I know this blog has many mentions of the US election, but it is hot news. Alec Baldwin was recently on Letterman, and I was pleasantly surprised by how funny he actually is. A hard care Democrat, he appeared on SNL with the one and only Sarah Palin. We have new nicknames for the Maverick duo, thanks to Mr Baldwin- John McBush and Bible Spice. Ah, love it.

Friday 24 October 2008

Oh Britney, Hit us one more time

The queen of pop has made a comeback! Although how did she do it? My theory: pay MTV enough so they will a) feature you in the main ads for the MTV music awards with presenter Russell Brand, looking all innocent, b) grab the opening spot at the awards and charm everyone, and last but most important c) snatch 3 major prizes at the awards, when all you did was make one lousy video all year, nevermind you were up against some of the most productive music acts of the year. What money can get you huh?

All that aside, the new video brings everything a Britney video should- head bopping, sexiness, and naked Britney.

Katy Perry here to stay?

For those that thought the confessions of a confused girlfriend by Katy Perry was a one off, I suppose you won't be glad to hear she isn't a one hit wonder type of gal. Her latest song (Hot n Cold) is surprisingly catchy that I haven't been able to stop myself from downloading it on itunes, and having it on constant replay. And the video is SO 80s :)

Zombie Big Brother

Brilliant idea. I didn't think of anything when I typed my name it was a total suprise. Can't wait for the new series. I think what E4 is doing, is such a good idea. It will atract zombie fanatics (which my boyfriend is one of them) and Big Brother fans.

Thursday 23 October 2008

Gets you thinking

Here is an ad from Querus, the Northern Ireland's research centre for biodoversity and conservation biology. A bit depressing, but wow, its good. By Mccann Erickson Portugal.

Tuesday 21 October 2008

Ummm, he gets free breakfast....

Dare have just opened their graduate trainee applications for 2009 and following in the footsteps of BBH have made a video about a career in advertising. Get a job your parents won't understand. They should have named it 'get a job no one understands'. Seriously, people just assume everyone that goes into advertising makes the ads directly. I can't really talk, I'm guilty as charged. Before I became interested in advertising my world revolved around omega-3, exercise and illness, and journal after journal of statistics and cross over designs.

So why am I pursing advertising? I work best in an environment that is a) high in pressure and deadlines and b) laidback and loose. Oxymoron? I suppose. Point B has more to do with the working conditions. I have never been one to work at a desk on a PC. Writing this I am on the sofa, sometimes I work sitting on the floor. It seems to get the creative juices flowing.

The list does go on- love brands, creativity, inovation, social networks, digital media, products, producing a visual piece of work, socialising, people watching, and high fashion. And the (apparent) free breakfast is a bonus too.

Monday 20 October 2008

Cheesy Priceless

Curry Dinner at Indian restaurant with 'character': £20

Drinks at (not so) trendy Spoons: £6

Entrance to Bath Pig Pen: £3

Reliving a time we were all sober(less) students: Priceless cheesy, but who said brands never gave us anything?

Friday 17 October 2008

"She's a Hoot"

Sarah Palin praising Tina Fey from Saturday Night Live in her own folksy way. It has been reported Sarah Palin may appear on the Live show this Saturday. Political suicide? Its one of those things that can go really well, or really really bad. The only way of it working, I think, is if you feature Tina Fey in the same skit, and hopefully Palin can show she can make fun of herself and go with it.

So what does this say of the Sarah Palin brand? She stands for 'six pack Joe', hockey moms across America, and the average American. But what about all the serious stuff we expect politicians to stand for? Equality, leadership, understanding, intelligence. I'm not sure a spot on SNL will get her any of those.

Thursday 16 October 2008

The Deep Blue

I 'stumbledupon' this amazing picture from National Geographic (website here). The picture just reminds us how small humans are. Unbelievable.

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Red, Yellow, Green

I just moved to London and in the middle of job hunting, CV sending, and being a slave to Guardian Jobs, I have not had the opportunity to enjoy London yet (except Oxford Street shopping).

I escaped from the bustle of the city today with a walk through Hyde Park and was swept off my feet by autumn. It took me back to my childhood days, walking and hearing the crunch of leaves beneath my feet, the smell of winter coming, a feeling of Haloween in the air, and the awful chore of raking the leaves. But then there was always the joy of jumping into a huge pile of freshly raked leaves. I would love to do that again!

Why Obama should win

Obama/Biden Facebook page fans: 2,131,733
vs McCain/Palin- 573,875

It was revealed that the Obama campaign placed a billboard ad in the XBox 360 game Burnout Paradise. Brilliant. This Presidential election has totally transformed campaigning. Obama, especially realed in the youth with his great use of new media. This is the new age. Lateral thinking is now needed in order to reach the youth.

My favourite Obama touch was when Obama supporters received a mobile text message from the Obama campaign stating who the VP pick was, before the media got a hold of it. Talk about fan loyalty. Perhaps brands should pick up a few tips from Obama.

Lets grab some Heart Attack food

Apparently some people in Arizona do at the Heart Attack Grill. Their motto-taste worth dying for. Gesh, then they complain when they are so fat that they need to buy 2 seats on a plane. So, if you just happened to have a heart attack while eating/waiting for your food, does the name give you permission to due them?

Monday 13 October 2008

Skip its, Slap Bracelets, MASH

For all the 80/90 babies out there! Makes me feel old...thinking back to a time where kids actually used pen/paper for games, took the time to make friendship bracelets for our BFFs, and cartoons were worth watching- Cowabunga dude!

Sunday 12 October 2008

Life in a Video Game

Love it! Too bad its totally unethical....hence, why it was banned!

Friday 10 October 2008

A Political Close -up

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Monday 6 October 2008

Design in Football

I was StumpleUponning the other night (well actually just procrastinating interview prep) and this interesting concept came up. Latest innovation in football stadium designs: underground. This stadium is in Qatar. The cool part is the nickname: 'The Laptop', which, you will see from the pictures comes from the roof top (aka the ground) opening.


My reaction when I found out Pizza Hut is rebranding itself to Pasta Hut. Its like a really bad joke. Apparently, research showed consumers wanted more variety. Fair enough, but that doesn't mean you have to change a perfectly good name. If it ain't broken, don't mess with it. And who goes out to a non-Italian pasta place anyways?

Friday 3 October 2008

Outdoor Advertising

And this is why I love advertising!

What happened to the cans?

What's with the bag design for Pringle's new Select range? The whole brilliancy and edge of Pringles is that they came in those cool long cans that can be transported everywhere. This packaging just isn't right. Granted, I haven't tried any of the new flavours, but the change of packaging doesn't really appeal to me. They've decided to go down a more gourmet aisle....but its Pringles...."Once you pop, the fun don't stop". Its fun, not elegant!

Thursday 2 October 2008

Marketing Everywhere

I am always amazed at how marketing is in our every day lives, with everything we do. Technically, we even advertise our selves on a day to day basis, with how we dress, act, and something called first impressions. While completing applications for advertising agencies graduate schemes, many agencies ask to describe yourself as a brand. So I am on a journey to market myself to specialists who advertise amazing products everyday...wish me luck!

Anyways, the reason for all this, is an article on the Brand Republic website this morning explaining the rejection of the US Bailout Plan was due to 'bad marketing'. An interesting approach, just to show that anything can be marketed. CEO of Euro RSCG explains that no one properly explained the plan in simple terms to Americans. By using the word 'bailout', the common American links the word with failure. A more successful approach would have been the word 'rescue' which denotes heroism, which apparently, Americans love. Go figure.

Wednesday 1 October 2008


This is the ad I love the most at the moment, its pretty old..all the way back to 2002...uh ok not that old. Ikea's "Lamp" from Crispin Porter + Bogusky, Miami. Anyways, its one of those you need to watch more than once cause it keeps drawing you back. And those are the ones that are successful from a consumers point of view, in my opinion. Then agains, Ikea has established itself so well as a brand, it can afford to be humourous. On the topic of Ikea, I love that you can tell that its an Ikea ad, even without the logo..the branding is just that good. Bright yellow and blue- hmmm, those were my school colours too...