Wednesday 21 January 2009

New Beginnings

A new year, a new world leader, a new job, a new flat, and new financial problems for many. But with Mr W not having his little finger on the big red button anymore, the world seems like a better, safer place.

January 20, 2009 was a great day for the whole world. It will be one of those historical events, where one must remember where they were this great day. Apart from the emotional event itself, I was impressed with CNN and Facebook's partnership in streaming the speech live, as well as being able to see everyone's status worldwide on Facebook with up to the minute updates.

So if you were thinking the Aretha Franklin's crazy bow hat was ridiculous, someone else wrote it on their status. Or if you just couldn't understand the choice of that poet, there were also many others expressing their confusion on Facebook. Apart from the intrusion of privacy, tt made the world seem like a smaller, cozier, hopeful place.

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